Saturday, October 18, 2008

Abbey Art Auction

Nancy Bacevich lost her son Lt. Andy Bacevich, in Iraq on Mother's day 2007.

During that incredibly hard time, she received comfort and support from the sisters of Mount Saint Mary's Abbey in Wrentham. The Abbey is the home to the Trappistine Quality Candy factory. The sisters make handmade chocolates and fudge along with other sweets in the Abbey kitchen which is very outdated and needs to be renovated. Click here to read Mother Agnes’ request for assistance.

This is where Nancy knew she could make a difference for them, as they did for her.

Taken directly from Abbey Art Auction website:

From Nancy Bacevich…

When my son, Lt. Andy Bacevich, died in Iraq in 2007, our family was surrounded by angels who delivered compassion and consolation.

One of these groups was the sisters at Mount Saint Mary's Abbey in Wrentham. They now need our help with fundraising to replace their decrepit kitchen. Candy-making is their primary means of support, so a functional, commercial area is vital to their delicious, hand-made product.

Therefore, I want to hold an art auction on the behalf of the nuns, to be held on October 18, 2008 at the Blessed Sacrament Auditorium in Walpole. Our art group is inviting any artists to join us in our effort to support the abbey.

-Nancy Bacevich

Nancy has put together a huge art auction to benefit the sisters of Mount Saint Mary's Abbey. Please check out Abbey Art Auction website. The auction will be held at the Blessed Sacrament School Auditorium, in Walpole tonight from 6pm-9:30pm. Over 54 artists have donated artwork and over 45 businesses have donated as well.

I too am donating, but not for the auction itself. I have made a brooch for Nancy to remember the event. It is in the form of the logo for the art auction that she herself designed.

Nancy's logo for the art auction.

My interpretation in silver, with a red crystal dangle for the hanging light.

I hope that she can think of this brooch as a gift from all of the artists who donated their artwork for the auction.


Beading Help Web Editorial Team said...

OMG, Nancy, what an incredible story. Your broach is amazing (what else would I expect?!)...I know it will be a hit!

Groovy said...

this is an amazing broach.

Kim Morin Weineck said...

It meant so much, Nancy. Your piece was just lovely.

Nancy B. wore it proudly on her lapel for the entire auction.

I know she was touched by your handwork and thoughtfulness (as I was). You rock!

Vicki said...

Nancy that is a great translation of her logo. Really wonderful! And a great cause.

Suzanne said...

i love this!!

Kathy said...

lovely brooch nancy. i love the little dangle.