Monday, May 19, 2008

I didn't do it.

Perry's old bed which Buster (Rusty Shackleford) has completely ignored, until last night.

I guess he wanted it gone.


Suzanne said...

Oh my!!!

He looks innocent though - I don't think he did it...

Kim Morin Weineck said...

This is a fabulous picture

Anonymous said...

Mom. Aliens invaded and ate the bed. I tried to stop them. I swear.


Amy said...

Who me?

It was tasty, though...

Anonymous said...

no way man. it wasn't me. i think i slept thru it, but burglars DEFINITELY ate the bed. i am really sorry. it was a nice bed...but they were really bad burglars.

sorry i forgot to stop them ;{

ps: can i still be updopteded?