Monday, August 20, 2007

The End

Grandma Anna died friday morning, August 17, 2007.
Aspiration pneumonia did her in.

I am an asshole, because I am so ambivalent to this news. Actually, I am not ambivalent, I am unaffected.

People keep saying "I'm so sorry" and I keep hearing myself say "don't be".
Grandma Anna was evil. Evil to her dying breath.
There is an entire ward at the Hebrew Rehabilitation Center sighing releif.

Tomorrow is her wake and funeral. A short 2 hour wake, then a service, then to the graveyard. We will all go out to chinese food after.


Kathy said...

Nancy, you are very brave to make this post. It is scary step to take between your raw honesty here and your statements' irrevocability. I, however, do appreciate your speaking your piece. Most people probably really cannot comprehend this feeling because they have never truly felt that way about another person. I hope they never do experience those feelings for another person!! But I can tell you that I understand, truly understand, and I can offer you that. (It's nice to have someone who truly understands something like this, because, honestly, I don't think that most people can, thankfully for them.)

I just hope she is somewhere (you know, if she is anywhere..) and is feeling and exuding no anger, no hate, but only love, generosity and goodness. While this may seem a far-fetched idea to you at first, it would be quite the poetic capper to her operatically-lived life, don'tcha think?


nancyrosetta said...

Hmmm, I thought I was being nice.

Your hope of her feeling love and generosity and goodness in her afterlife is a really nice thought, and funny poetic capper, nicely put.

I already thought the fact that an antisemite such as your grandmother was already in her own hell being stuck in an Hebrew Rehabilitation center for the last 2 or so years.

There is justice.
I'll just imagine she is frolicking in the wildflowers with love in her heart. Maybe grandpa can help her now.

Suzanne said...

although it probably doesn't really compare at all- i do have a hint of what you are feeling (Irene). evil people like this bring it on themselves and the world would be a better place without them. you are certainly not the asshole.

nancyrosetta said...

Oh yeah. Irene.
They would have been great friends.