Friday, August 22, 2008


Last August, my sisters and I went to Oakley, Utah for a surprise 70th birthday party for my Dad. While we were there, I saw a framed Polaroid photo of my sisters and I enjoying some candy canes. The outfits and poses were just priceless, I asked him if he could make a copy for me, and he did.

Can you pick out which one is me? Heehee!

Anyhow, fast forward to a couple of months ago when Ann Gorbett brought some fabulous oil paintings done from old time photos of her family to the gallery, and I knew that this image I had of my sisters and I needed to be interpreted by her and her incredible use of a palette knife.

Here are the paintings that inspired my request.

Photo courtesy of Kim Morin Weineck.
And a close up of my favorite.
Photo courtesy of Kim Morin Weineck.

Today, she brought in the finished painting, and I couldn't be happier with it! It's 10" X 10" just the perfect size.

And of course a close up of just us kids...

I couldn't be more pleased with how it came out. It will definitely be prominently displayed in my home as soon as I can stop picking it up to look at it.


Anonymous said...

OMG that is wonderful! I too have some polaroids of my sister and me, what a wonderful gift this would be for my sister...thanks for sharing, and btw...which one ARE you? LOL!!

nancyrosetta said...

Nita, I am the one on the immediate left. The prim and proper one. Toes pointed and candy cane squarely in my grasp with a huge smile.

I really love this photo, and oil painting!!!

Kim Morin Weineck said...

Nancy, It really did come out well.

I hope you figure out where it hangs in your home and photograph that for us,too!

I am going to lift some of your photos for my blog, too!

Holly said...

I thought for sure you were the one in plaid, but was secretly hoping that you had the fashion sense to pair red tights with saddle shoes. That was my elementary go-to fashion statement when my Osh Kosh B'Goshes were dirty. What a great pic!

Ann said...

Hi Nancy:
Well I am just so tickled that you have this already posted on your blog. It was such a fun picture to paint and I am so thrilled that you are happy. Sisters rock!

Kathy said...

This is totally awesome. Wow I love it. Ann, stellar!!!!!!! Nancy, thanks SO much for commissioning and sharing it. It's totally gorge.


Suzanne said...

awesome! i love the original photo and the painting is amazing! you were so prim and proper.... what happened? ;)