Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Fluffy cat, and a monkey

So, I am on an animal kick. I don't know why, it just happened.
Here is another cat, a fluffy one with some serious attitude, he thinks he's all 'that'. Little does he know that the sharp end of his pin back is poking out of his bum-bum.

Here's a more attractive (and dark) picture of him.

And the evil monkey. He lost his barrel friends so he just wants to hang around your neck. Watch out though, he is only out to cause trouble!

Please don't ask me how I know that. It's embarrassing.

It's amazing how the rising cost of sterling silver causes one to seek alternative metals to play with....one meaning ME! These are copper by the way.


Kathy said...

Groovy monkey. Do you think he can read your mind, too?

I like his furry texture!

Amy said...

I really, really like kitty! How much Bacon Salt can I trade you for him??

nancyrosetta said...

Thanks Kathy, I hope he can't read minds cause that would be scary!

Hahaaa Amy,
Hubby and I were just talking about bacon salt last week. Someone at work brought it up, and I remembered you bought some. You just made me laugh.

(Christopher) said...

that monkey is so cool! I love the texture